Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey

1. Company Type
2. Kindly assess the following questions. (1: Extremely dissatisfied. 5: Highly satisfied)
1 2 3 4 5
Are you satisfied with the pilotage, towing, and mooring services?
Are you satisfied with the handling capacity of your belongings?
Are you satisfied with the services provided for fresh water supply, waste collection, and weighing to the vessels?
Are you satisfied with the storage facilities and services for your belongings?
Are you satisfied with the port website's ability to meet your requirements?
Are you satisfied with our handling of complaints and suggestions?
Are you satisfied with our turnaround time when a note is left?
Are you satisfied with the level of attention and diligence given to your problems?
How would you rate the ease of reaching the person responsible for the matter?
Are you satisfied with the Aliağa Port shuttle services?
How would you describe our port to third parties?
3. What are your thoughts and suggestions for elevating our relationships to the highest level?